Mass Effect Andromeda will no Longer Receive Single-player Updates

Online Multiplayer Shall Still Receive Support

For some, it was official after Electronic Arts dispersed the members of BioWare Montreal. Yesterday, however, the developer made the official announcement. Mass Effect Andromeda is will no longer receive patches or single-player content of any kind.

Mass Effect Series Effect Andromeda Latest Mass Effect Patch

The news comes straight from Mass Effect Andromedaโ€™s official website.The developer began by mentioning player feedback and patches provided thus far:

โ€œWith each patch, you let us know we were heading in the right direction, and weโ€™re grateful to everyone who joined us on this journey. Weโ€™re proud of what we created, and we hope you enjoyed it as well.โ€

Even though much of the fan-feedback asked for single-player content, it seems all of the teamโ€™s remaining labor shall be relegated to multiplayer updates. Basically, every story point left unanswered in Mass Effect Andromeda shall now be answered through APEX missions and other mediums. This includes the mystery behind the Quarian Ark.

โ€œThe game was designed to further expand on the Pathfinderโ€™s journey through this new galaxy with story-based APEX multiplayer missions and we will continue to tell stories in the Andromeda Galaxy through our upcoming comics and novels, including the fate of the Quarian ark.

โ€œOur last update, 1.10, was the final update for Mass Effect Andromeda. There are no planned future patches for single-player or in-game story content.โ€

From here on, all incoming updates will deal with the multiplayer experience. Players can expect more news from BioWare Montreal, soon. Obviously, however, this is a major blow for fans of the franchise who contemplate its future. From all the news, it looks like Mass Effect will be going through a dry spell, a very long one. Let us know your thoughts.