Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Will Be out in the Wild This January
While we knew that the newest Dissidia Final Fantasy game would be arriving in early 2018, we now know just how early that will be. Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, The latest chapter in Square Enix’s 3v3 team brawler will be out for PS4 on January 30th, 2018. That’s pretty dang early!
With the release date come pre-orders. Like any good Final Fantasy game, the collector’s edition is a doozy. The Ultimate Collector’s Edition comes with a soundtrack, an 80-page artbook, a SteelBook case, a season pass and a statue. Pictured above, you too could own an 8-inch bust of a Warrior of Light. You can also order either the digital edition or the digital deluxe, with the latter including the season pass. As with other modern fighting games, the season pass will consist of playable characters otherwise inaccessible in the main game.
There’s no word yet on which fighters will be in the season pass, but the total character list is looking to be around fifty entries long. Expect to see every hero from the previous games, along with a host of other memorable fighters from all over the Final Fantasy franchise. We’ll be sure to pass on any info we pick up regarding the final roster’s contents, as well as any details we can assemble about that season pass. In the meanwhile, you can do all your pre-ordering here.
SOURCE: Press Release