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Call of Duty: WWII Multiplayer Beta Giveaway

The Call of Duty: WWII Private Multiplayer Beta begins August 25th on PS4. While this Beta is only a small part of the Multiplayer experience coming in November, it is a critical test for the developers, as well as a stress test of the online infrastructure at scale. In celebration of the Beta, we are giving you a chance to get into the Beta. Full details are below. For now, check out the Call of Duty: WWII Multiplayer private beta trailer:

In terms of the multiplayer, you should know divisions replaces the Pick 10 Create-a-Class system, and delivers the fantasy of enlisting in one of five iconic fighting groups in the worldโ€™s most brutal conflict. This test of the Private Multiplayer Beta will feature an introduction to a portion of the playerโ€™s soldier progression and the underlying foundation of Divisions. Also, in the beta, you will play Operation Breakout, the first War Mode experience. Hereโ€™s an overview of what you should expect in the Private Multiplayer Beta:

  • Maps โ€“ At least three Multiplayer maps, including: Pointe Du Hoc, Ardennes, and Gibraltar.
  • War โ€“ Operation Breakout
  • Modes โ€“ Fan-favorite modes, including Team Deathmatch, Domination, and Hardpoint.
  • Divisions โ€“ Enlist in the Infantry, Expeditionary, Airborne, Armored, or Mountain Division. You are not limited to any one Division, and we encourage you to try them all!
  • Progression โ€“ Players will begin at Soldier Rank 1 and rank up through a limited progression to unlock weapons, scorestreaks, equipment, and Basic Training Skills.


Now that you know what to expect, be sure to enter our giveaway here:

Be among the first in the world to get hands-on with Call of Duty: WWII Multiplayer in the Private Beta, including brand new maps and Sledgehammer Gamesโ€™ all-new War Mode experience. Enlist in all five Divisions and watch for new content throughout the Beta. Private Beta begins on August 25 first on PS4, and on September 1 for PS4 and Xbox One.