The Overwatch Community Has Spoken – Symmetra Is the Most Annoying Overwatch Hero to Play Against
At some point, every Overwatch player wonders which Hero is really the most annoying and painstaking of them all to face in combat. Is it Mei and her never-ending ice walls? Sombra’s hacking, or Junkrat’s explosives? For some players, wondering who the most annoying Hero is isn’t even a question, they just already know. Well, for those of you who don’t know, the massive fan base has gathered their voices to proclaim that Symmetra, out of all characters on the roster, is the most annoying Overwatch Hero to play against.
On the Overwatch subreddit, Redditor Soku12 shared the poll results that the community voted on, proclaiming that over the span of 6 hours, 14,222 people participated in the poll, and the resulting outcome was certainly an interesting one. Out of a variety of categories containing questions such as “Most Played Hero,” “Most Annoying to Play Against,” and “Most Annoying Opponent for Each Hero,” the results were rounded up as so:
Most Played Hero:
Mercy with 1,236 votes followed by Lucio with 1,231 votes and Genji with 1,170
Most Annoying to Play Against:
Symmetra with 2,520 votes followed by Genji with 2,012 votes and Tracer with 1,536 votes
Most Annoying Opponent for Each Hero:
Categorized into 24 heroes with the most respondents – Those are Mercy with 1,238 votes, Lucio with 1,231 votes, and Genji with 1,170 votes
As Mercy, Genji was chosen as the most annoying opponent, with Tracer shortly behind. Many people also voted that Mercy vs Mercy battles are annoying. Lucio players are most annoyed by Symmetra, getting the highest number of votes, followed by Pharah. Nearly half of all Genji players voted another Genji as the most annoying hero to face off against, followed closely by Symmetra and Pharah.
Who do you think is the most annoying Overwatch Hero to face off against? Let us know in the comments below!