Rumor – Shadow of the Tomb Raider Gets a Launch Window, and It’s Not Too Far Away
The latest issue of the Official PlayStation Magazine UK revealed a bit of inside information that’s been going around, dropping the rumor bomb about the release date window for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Although, to much disappointment, there aren’t going to be any major Lara Croft goodies for us this year, if rumors are true, we’ll be getting a hefty dose of Tomb Raider action early next year with both the Tomb Raider franchise’s new movie and the next big game.
According to the OPM UK article, (with much thanks to PlayStation Universe for the info), this is the information that’s been going around. – “Rumor squirrels tell us Shadow of the Tomb Raider could be released early in 2018.”
Whether or not these rumor squirrels are just spouting nonsense or not, we won’t be sure of until official information is released. Tomb Raider won’t be showing up at E3 this year either but, according to the post, “we’ll be catching up on her new adventure later this year.” so these statements aren’t so totally far-fetched if you take timeframe they’ve given us into consideration.
Other than the name of the upcoming game, Shadow of the Tomb Raider, we don’t really know much else about the project, and it doesn’t seem like giving away any information is a priority for Square Enix. Another rumor has been circulating concerning the developers of the game – with Crystal Dynamics busy with The Avengers Project, Edios Montreal might be taking the lead this time around. But, still, these are just rumors.
However, we do know a lot of details about the upcoming feature-length film, as it’s production is in full-swing. The Tomb Raider movie starring Alicia Vikander will be hitting theaters on March 16, 2018.