Gears of War 4 May Still Be Coming to Japan for Xbox One and PC

Gears of War 4 Being Released in Japan?

Last year, Gears of War 4 was not released in Japan.  This was apparently due to concerns regarding the Japanese CERO rating system, similar to ESRB, mentioning that even though the earlier Gears of War games, there would be too much from the latest titles that would have to be cut and censored. Today, it seems these sentiments may have changed!

gears of war 4 top

Earlier today Xbox Japan published the โ€œTomorrowโ€  Gears of War 4 cinematic trailer, which came out in April of last year. This trailer came out without any accompanying announcement in the description. Of course, it could be jumping the gun, but it seems that this is the first step towards the release of the game in Japan. The trailer does not include a release date, but it does show off a CERO Z rating, meaning that anyone under the age of 18 will not be able to purchase the game.

This CERO Z rating is the only one that Japan legally enforces, and the instances of games that receive the Z rating is quite rare. This is because most publishers are mindful of the implications of lots of violence in their games. This Z rating was also shared with Gears of War 1, 2 and 3. You might be asking, why then has it taken so long for Gears of War 4 to make its way to Japan if previous titles were allowed with the same rating?

As of right now there is no further information available, but keep it locked for updates as they become available. Check out the โ€œtomorrowโ€ trailer Xbox Japan released below.