PlayStation 4 Sits at the Top of News Coverage despite the Nintendo Switch Launch

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We are still in the month of Nintendo Switchโ€™s launch, a month that has been, overall, a pretty big month. Nintendoโ€™s console opened to many raving reviews and The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild has practically reached legendary status with so much praise. Nevertheless, a new report from ICO partners indicates that the PlayStation 4 continues to lead in media coverage.

PlayStation Switch

ICO published a series of charts illustrating weekly and monthly statistics for console media coverage. They include Wii U, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. You can view them down below:

PlayStation 4 data

PlayStation 4 data

Naturally, we still have a long way to go; Nintendo Switch has a long way to go. According to Thomas Bidaux, ICO Partners CEO, Nintendo Switch owes much of its coverage to the reveal in January. The Nintendo Switch Presentation provided a major foundation for which to train more eyes on the console. Hence, it has garnered momentum.

โ€œIf the average weekly coverage stays around 4,000 articles/week, that puts it a bit above half of the Xbox One weekly average and at 40% of the PlayStation 4 weekly average, this would be an excellent foundation for Nintendo to build on.โ€

But then Bidaux went on to talk about the PlayStation 4. According to Bidaux, not only is Sonyโ€™s console getting more coverage than Nintendo Switch, it has been the focus since January 2015. โ€œOnly once did the Xbox One secure more coverage than the PlayStation 4,โ€ he continued. โ€œIt was the week of the Gamescom 2015, where Microsoft held a press conference and Sony did not.โ€

We cannot forget that, since the start of the year, the PS4 has had at least one AAA exclusive for every month: Nioh (January), Horizon: Zero Dawn (February), and Nier: Automata (March). On the other side, speaking of Microsoft, it doesnโ€™t seem as if Scorpioโ€™s hardware reveals have solicited as much excitement. The same can be said of PSVR and PS4 Pro, however. You can view the media statistics of hardware announcements below:

PS4 Still Leading in Media Coverage According to a New ICO Partners Report

Speaking of all this media coverage, you can always check back with COGconnected for more of the latest updates on all major hardware and software. We live and breath games, and think you do too. Have a glorious day.