Phil Spencer Suggests Sea of Thieves, Crackdown 3 & State of Decay 2 Must Be Ready for Xbox Scorpio

Spencer Thinks Itโ€™s Critical They Be Ready & Heโ€™s Not Wrong

With the cancellation of Scalebound, the lackluster lineup of Xbox exclusives and Sony killing it with Horizon Zero Dawn & NieR: Automata, Xbox hasnโ€™t had a great start to the year so far. It seems Phil Spencer somewhat recognizes this and understands that the Xbox Scorpio needs to be a success. Today, Spencer returned to Twitter and shared some of his thoughts on the scheduling of Xbox One exclusives, how first party games need to be ready for the Xbox Scorpio and he also teased some Xbox showcase events.

Phil Spencer

In a series of tweets, Spencer replied to a fan who wanted to see Xbox One exclusives spread out rather than just in the fall. Phil actually agreed with the fan, and he said while itโ€™s not easy to do, he also wants Xbox One exclusives spread out to avoid the massive gaps in exclusive release of Xbox games.

Spencer also made it clear his main objective this year is to have their first party titles ready for the release of Xbox Scorpio which essentially means State of Decay 2, Sea of Thieves and Crackdown 3 need to be ready.

A fan also asked about bringing back the smaller events before and after big shows like E3 and Gamescom to showcase their titles. Spencer suggested smaller shows between big events will be returning this year, but this could simply be a Scorpio showcase event like Sony did for the PS4 Pro.