Overwatch’s Newest Hero, Orisa, Goes Live Today…..With A Few Exceptions

Orisa Finally Makes Her Way To All Systems…..With A Few Exceptions

Today is the day we all get to meet Orisa! Overwatch’s newest hero goes live today on all public servers, meaning Playstation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

However, the new character does have a few exceptions. According to the Overwatch forums, and Principle Designer Scott Mercer, Orisa will not be available for immediate Competitive Play. The reason being that the developers supposedly want players to learn and become comfortable with Orisa first. “We want to give players some time to learn about and play Orisa before she’s placed into the crucible of Competitive Play.”

OverwatchShe will, however, be available in Quick Play, Arcade, and the Player Vs. AI. So for those of you looking to add her as your newest tank, you will have to wait a bit longer to show off your competitive talent.

The character has already made her rounds in the test servers on PC for a few weeks now. She is a Tank character, so there will likely be cries of “Overpowered” straight out of the gate. She received similar comments even when released on the servers. So as a result, she has already had a few updates already, with both her weapon damage and Ultimate being toned down.

pc game dealsBut honestly, if players are super upset that she seems OP, they can just tweak the tactics they have been using to survive Bastion this long. Alright, I joke I joke. Bastion kills me on the regular too. So let us know in the comments if you are itching to take Orisa for a test run!