Hereโs to a More Immersive Experience in Horizon Zero Dawn
We are now a month into the release of Horizon Zero Dawn. While the game has had an amicable reception from critics and fans, naturally, thereโs always some bug or several. Fortunately, Guerrilla Games hasnโt seen their success as an excuse to lay back. The Amsterdam-based devs have been working tirelessly these past weeks to rectify any bugs and known issues. Thus, we now have patch 1.12.
Aside from performing the usual and granting players a more refined, seamless experience. This latest patch for Horizon Zero Dawn adds 3D audio support. Anyone with 3D audio headphones can now discover a more immersive in-game experience. An engaging title just became more engaging. See the full list of patch notes below:
- Added 3D Audio support for 3D headsets.
- Improved Pathfinding to Quest markers and custom waypoints when players are on a mount.
- Improved performance in several areas in the game.
- Several improvements to the lightmap.
Progression Fixes
- Fixed an issue that some players might encounter in โThe Point of the Spearโ where players would be given an extra Carja Bow and Spear if Aloy died before talking to Rost.
- Fixed an issue in โThe Point of the Spearโ which some players might encounter where the Sawtooth would no longer be present when players updated their game to Patch 1.10 during the โKill the Sawtoothโ objective.
- Fixed an issue in โRevenge of the Noraโ where some players were able to bypass natural progression by entering the Metal Ring by jumping over the roots.
- Fixed an issue in โThe Sun Shall Fallโ where finishing a weapon tutorial during the Glinthawk encounter and reloading would result in some players not being able to enter the gates and continue the quest.
- Fixed an issue in โThe Grave-Hoardโ where completing a weapon tutorial during the Deathbringer encounter would prevent the Deathbringer from respawning when some players would reload the game.
- Fixed an issue in โTo Curse the Darknessโ where certain players could climb the roots around the entrance of the cave and bypass natural progression of the quest.
- Fixed an issue in โDeep Secrets of the Earthโ where a few players were unable to enter the bunker after fast traveling during the animation of Aloy opening the vent.
- Fixed an issue in โThe Mountain That Fellโ where some players were able to leave the boundaries of the world.
- Fixed an issue in โRobbing the Richโ where certain players were not able to complete the quest when talking to Ravan.
- Fixed an issue in โFatal Inheritanceโ where Daradi would be missing after fast traveling away from the quest area, which resulted in some players not being able to complete the โReturn to Daradiโ objective.
- Fixed an issue in โA Momentโs Peaceโ where for some players the quest objective would be updated to โReturn to Vilgundโ after completing the quest, even though players did not meet Vilgund yet.
- Fixed an issue in โCollateralโ where a few players wouldnโt be able to complete the โTalk to Olin and Enashaโ objective because Enasha would not wait in the Farm.
- Fixed an issue in โCause for Concernโ where completing Bandit Camps in a specific order would result in a few players not being able to interact with Nil to complete the quest.
- Fixed an issue in Cauldron Xi where certain players were able to bypass natural progression of the quest by escaping the core chamber during the โDefend the Coreโ objective.
- Fixed an issue in the weapon tutorial for the War Bow, where using the Lodge War Bow would not tally towards any of the War Bow tutorials.
General Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Patch 1.10 did not offer a retroactive solution for some players who encountered an issue with a Tallneckโs datapoint that did not unlock when they had fast-traveled away while on top of the Tallneck instead of rappelling down. Players who encountered this, should revisit the Tallneck again and leave the area to unlock the datapoint.
- Fixed an issue where some players would have the issue of wielded Heavy Weapons getting stuck on Aloyโs arm when interacting with the elevator in Meridian.
- Fixed an issue where for a few players the awareness icons and tags would become invisible when the game saves while a Watcher uses the FlashStun attack on Aloy.
- Fixed an issue where some players would spawn in the mountains when fast-traveling to the center of Sunfall.
- Fixed an issue where after completing โRevenge of the Noraโ, Varl would have a wrong dialogue.
- Fixed an issue where a few players were able to call a mount during the fight with Helis in โThe Face of Extinctionโ.
- Fixed an issue in โThe Forgottenโ where the prompt to interact with Olara was visible when Olara was not at that location.
- Fixed an issue where the quest marker for โUnderequippedโ would disappear from the map when leaving the starting area of the quest.
- Fixed an issue in โDeath from the Skiesโ where the โKill the Stormbirdโ objective would not have a quest marker.
- Fixed an issue where overridden bridges in Cauldron Rho would not be visible when some players were standing at a certain distance.
- Fixed an issue where a few players were able to exploit Hunting Ground trials for resources.
- Fixed an issue where for some the sound of destructible trees was not playing.
- Fixed an issue with Pathfinder enabled for a custom waypoint when standing on the bridge of the Two Teeth Bandit Camp.
- Fixed an issue where the soundtrack would start over during the Credits.
- Fixed an issue where on some occasions Aloy would not place a trap when players wanted to.
- Fixed an issue where on some occasions Aloy would grab her spear instead of placing a trap.
- Fixed various LOD issues.
- Fixed various issues of players getting stuck in geometry.
- Fixed various issues of players accessing areas outside of the play area.
- Crash Fixes
- Fixed an issue in โThe City of the Sunโ where in some occasions the game would crash when Aloy and Erend arrive at Olinโs house.
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash when some players fast-travelled during one of Aloyโs animations in the bunker she fell into when she was a child.
- Fixed various miscellaneous crashes.
Patch 1.2 goes live today, March 30. Hopefully, this fixes all if not most of the problems you may have witnessed in Horizon Zero Dawn. Check back with COGconnected for more news, updates, and revelations. Weโll supply you with all the latest. Happy gaming.