Expect Drastic Changes and a Flurry of New Cards for New Hearthstone Strategies
Hearthstone’s fifth major expansion, Journey to Un’Goro, was announced last month, with new features and cards revealed since. Naturally, we ponder what changes shall affect the game, and there are many.
For starters, many cards are switching from the game’s Standard format and moving into Wild format. We shall also witness new game-changing mechanics. During the course of a match, new legendary “quest cards” can be played. These cards entail specific objectives that, once played, can be met by the player in order to summon special characters and achieve special effects. For example, the priest quest card Awaken the Makers requires summoning seven Deathrattle minions over the course of a game.
Upon accomplishing the required goal, a new minion arrives on yours or your opponent’s side of the field. These can turn the tide of a game. Completing the priest quest card gets Amara, Warden of Hope. Along with eight health and attack, her ability sets the player’s health to 40. That said, each character/class has their unique quest card with unique objectives for unique summons.
Adding more to gameplay mechanics, Blizzard is introducing “adapt.” Through one of several abilities: Spell, Battlecry, etc., players can upgrade their minions with taunts, attack and defense buffs, divine shield, and more. You can view the new mechanics in action via the Hearthstone live stream that took place earlier today. In addition to the new mechanics, you can get a good look at most of the 135 cards coming in the expansion.
Hearthstone: Un’Goro launches on Thursday, April 6th. In keeping with their usual rotation, Blizzard will take cards from expansions Blackrock Mountain, The Grand Tournament and League of Explorers out of Standard mode. Some classic cards will also depart Standard format, including Azure Drake and Sylvanas Windrunner.
Let us know your thoughts on the upcoming changes to Hearthstone. And for more of the latest news, updates, and revelations, stick around. Happy gaming.