Zelda: Breath of the Wild Game Guide Shoots to Amazon #1 Best Seller

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Game Guide Hits Amazon and Shoots to the #1 Best Seller Spot in Less Than a Day

As soon as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Game Guide hit Amazonโ€™s digital shelves, it shot straight up to the #1 Best Seller spot. And to top it all off, the game guide for the upcoming Wii U and Nintendo Switch exclusive title isnโ€™t even officially out yet, itโ€™s just a pre-order. It will be shipped out on March 3, just like the rest of the content releasing alongside the Nintendo Switch, including the The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild game itself.

Breath of the Wild Game Guide Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild Top Screen

Although the Breath of the Wild Game Guide is slowly settling out in its Best Seller rank, itโ€™s still going strong. At the time of this publication, it sits at the #3 slot on the Best Seller rankings page HERE! With such an insane amount of purchases in such a short amount of time, itโ€™s bound to sell out soon, so you might as well pick one up now while you still can. You can pick up either a hardcover or paperback version of the Game Guide, ranging from 24.99 to 39.99, directly from Amazon.

Did you grab a copy of the Game Guide? Let us know in the comments below!