Platinum Games Had Time for One Console When It Came to NieR: Automata
Last year, NieR: Automata producer Yosuke Saito talked about the possibility of seeing the highly-anticipated title on Xbox One. He left it as a possibility, with nothing definitive. But now he points to all likelihood that we won’t see the game on Xbox One.
As for why there was a change of heart, here’s Saito’s exact statement to Express UK:
“There are currently no plans to release on this platform. The main reason for this is that the Japanese market for Xbox One is not strong, so the decision was made to focus on PlayStation 4 rather than to split our efforts across two platforms. The biggest benefit to developing on one platform is that we did not have to split our time, allowing us to focus more on the quality. It is not about whether one platform is better than the other, it’s that from a development point of view were can devote more time to one platform.”
Ultimately, the decision relied on allocation of manpower. By Saito’s affirmation, the game’s quality was vested in the decision to keep it an exclusive. Either we obtain the best quality NieR: Automata or have a multi-platform release. No doubt PS4 players are happier with the former. Saito also alluded to a recurring approach with Xbox One; It’s strength in the market has set Microsoft as an after-thought for some developers, with PlayStation 4 offering double the player base.
Yet the original NIER released on Xbox 360 in 2010. Sad to say loyal Xbox fans won’t have access to the legacy. But at the very least, Saito isn’t leading any owners to hope for an Xbox One release where there is none.
NieR: Automata is set for North American release on March 7 for PS4 and PC. Do let us know your thoughts on this news from now until then. And for more of the latest on gaming, keep in touch with COGconnected.