Blizzard Teases Overwatch Character Efi Oladele, Possible New Hero

Blizzard Teases Players With the Overwatch Character Efi Oladele, Who Just Might Be Our Newest Hero

Earlier today, Blizzard gave us a glimpse at the newest Overwatch character Efi Oladele. Possible new hero? We can only hope. On the main Overwatch site, we get to see an exclusive interview with the genius inventor Efi Oladele, the eleven-year-old prodigy from the country of Numbani. She excels in robotics and AI and even received a โ€œgenius grantโ€ from the Adawe Foundation.

blizzard overwatch character Efi Oladele

The Hybrid map of Numbani is also known as the โ€œCity of Harmonyโ€ and is already known for being one of the most technologically advanced countries for scientific discovery and exploration. During the Unity Day festivities, the gauntlet of Doomfist was escorted to the Numbani Heritage Museum on the payload by the attacking team. The correlation between Doomfist and Numbani lead players to believe that Doomfist would be the next Overwatch hero.

While the article posted by Blizzard is a cute interview with Efi, where she talks about philanthropy and robotics and what she plans to do with her Adawe Foundation grant, sheโ€™s apparently keeping her real intentions a secret.

Do you think Efi is scheduled to be the next hero in Overwatch, or do you think sheโ€™s just filler for the Doomfist storyline? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!