Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Patch 1.08 Out in the Wild

Infinite Warfare Getting New Leaderboards and Team Mission Ranks

Infinite Warfareโ€™s latest update has arrived. Patch 1.08 is the last update for the Infinity Ward title before the next expansion comes out this Tuesday.

call of duty infinite warfare

The 2 GB patch includes new Mission Team ranks, new leaderboards and the Call of Duty World League Personalization pack. A โ€œsafeguard against jitter mod exploitsโ€ has also been implemented.

The full notes for this latest patch are included below. The Combat Record and Emblem Editor arenโ€™t coming until after the expansion drops, but thankfully players wonโ€™t have long to wait. In the meantime, the double XP event is still on until February 3rd. Itโ€™s the perfect time to start working on those brand new Mission Ranks.

Infinite Warfareโ€™s next full expansion, Sabotage, is coming this Tuesday, January 31st. Stay tuned for more details as they arrive.

Infinite Warfare January 27 Patch Notes:

Complete new missions to achieve Commander Ranks!

  • Each Mission Team now goes up to Rank 100! Once you hit that level 50 rank, youโ€™ll go on to chase after a Commander rank until you reach Mission Team Commander Rank 100!
  • New ranks better rewards, so Commander Ranks will reward you MKII versions of Mission Team-only Prototype weapons once achieved. You can also craft more! Commander Ranks reward salvage every level you rank up as long as that level isnโ€™t giving you a MKII Prototype reward.

Features Update

  • Leaderboards โ€“ Today!
  • Combat Record โ€“ Late February
  • Emblem Editor โ€“ Late February

Featured Content and Whatโ€™s New

  • 2XP and 2X Weapon XP in MP and Zombies until February 3rd (all platforms)
  • Hyper Team Deathmatch until February 3rd: Payload charge rates are bumped to 7x their normal speed (all platforms)
  • Call of Duty World League Personalization Pack
  • Barracks now include a section for Medals

General Fixes

  • Added ability for both splitscreen players to change their own Missions in the lobby before a match starts
  • Safeguard against jitter mod exploits
  • Defender: Fix for exploit that could occur if a player using Rewind spawns on a newly spawned Defender drone, allowing the player to carry their gun as they carry the drone
  • Adjusted Taunt menu to wrap to the bottom of the list
  • During the final killcam, the team emblem shown was the emblem of the user who died rather than the player who got the kill. This has been fixed.
  • Hardcore Search and Destroy: Fix for โ€œFriendly Fire is not Toleratedโ€ displaying after every round for the remainder of the game
  • Added ability to equip Calling Card and emblem after acquiring them from a Supply Drop
  • Camo challenges involving Direct Impact kills with the Howitzer were not tracking. This has been fixed.
  • Various updates to weapon camos
  • Fix for players SPM not being calculated correctly in some instances
  • Camo adjustment for the MK2 R3k not covering the right side of the weapon
  • Allow players to skip Mission Team videos even if itโ€™s their first time seeing them
  • Fix for the KBS Harbinger reload animation playing twice while holding down both triggers
  • Fixed an issue where the Jammer Grenade was not damaging scorestreaks correctly
  • Fixed an error a player would receive when attempting to edit a class with the OSA
  • Fix for an issue where players with akimbo weapons were immune to the Steel Dragon


  • Fix for team colors not appearing the proper shade
  • Added CWL specific game mode icons
  • Fix for Cold Blooded not affecting Thermal Scope for Casters (Xbox)
  • Adjusted the position of the gamemode icon so the Uplink image does not stretch
  • Removing the required number of players for CWL matches
  • Allow for multiple casters in the same lobby

SOURCE: Gamespot