Duncan Jones Gives His Ideas for a Warcraft Movie Sequel

And Fans are Jumping on Board for the Possibility of a Trilogy

Being a fan, Duncan Jones has surely given extensive thought to the Warcraft movie and beyond. Despite the fact that Warcraft was the highest-grossing video game-to-film adaptation, it still under-performed. If not for its successful reception in China, notions of a sequel might be dead in the water. But over 430 million dollars world-wide might(emphasis on might) leave some hope.


Apparently, the fan director retained his ideas for the Warcraft movie franchise. Through a number of tweets, Jones delivered fans a series of potential plot points. Some may be spoilers for those who havenโ€™t seen the movie, but probably not to anyone who knows the lore: โ€œMain orc focus would have been Goโ€™elโ€™s imprisonment & violent bid for freedom,โ€ tweeted Jones. The grown son of Durotan would provide his compelling transition from Warcraftโ€™s ending.

But Dalaran, too, is part of his on-screen road map: โ€œ[Warcraft 2] would have seen Dalaran LAND in the Alterac mountains & magic proliferate as Kirin Tor try to be more open after death of Llane.โ€ Among the fan-favorite reveals was his plan for Orgrim Doomhamerโ€™s new armor. The hammer-wielding hero of the Horde could potentially dawn his black getup for some great cinematic fan-service.

Warcraft Movie

Furthermore, after providing his basic outline, he acknowledged the first filmโ€™s issues: โ€œYou have to focus. Trying to serve too many threads is exactly the problem that got us in this position.โ€ Perhaps, if given another chance, Jones could achieve that focus for creating a great film. But only Legendary, the filmโ€™s production company, can decide what happens next.

Rotten Tomatoes currently has Warcraft at a 28% critic rating while scoring 72% with audiences. Until we know more, franchise fans can tie themselves over with World of Warcraft: Legion, as per usual. But before doing that, feel free to comment your thoughts on the movie and whether or not weโ€™ll see a sequel. And for more updates, stay tuned to COGconnected. Happy 2017.