Does That Make Uncharted 4 Best Game This Year?
Is it any wonder why, right now, people can buy a PlayStation 4 Slim with Uncharted 4 attached? Short answer is no. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End marks an end to one of this generation’s greatest gaming narratives. The Game Awards agreed, it was this year’s best story-driven narrative and hailed Nolan North’s great performances as Drake. As for other categories, there are plenty of gamers who would argue till the end that Uncharted 4 was 2016’s best title.
But fans of Naughty Dog don’t have to measure the game’s strength simply based on their experience. It’s quantified as best as can be done. The great aggregator of review scores, Metacritic, has done all the hard work for us. Among things we’ve learned from their totals, PC exclusives titles were better scored on average. Yet at the very top of that list we have a PS4 exclusive, an Xbox One exclusive, and 2 PC scores. 1, 2, 3, 4 spots. Except spots 2, 3, and 4 all share the same score of 92 average. Meaning their positions are rather arbitrary with, essentially, three number 2 spots. However, there’s only one Number 1.
See for yourselves the list and all the meanings we take:
Henceforth, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is the best-reviewed game of 2016. The majority of people qualified to review games render Uncharted 4 best game experience. From here we understand why the name is basically Sony’s poster child in the gaming industry. Fun factor, story-telling, graphics, and everything that makes a great game is packaged well for this generation in Nathan Drake’s latest iteration.
Furthermore, Naughty Dog’s place as the best America-based developer might be further cemented, though some would understandably disagree. But their track record speaks volumes. And speaking of, if The Last of Us Part 2 turns out as good as its predecessor, then it will be much harder to argue the fact.
You can find our own review of Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End right here. Everything said, what do you think of the 2016 review round-up? Have you played Uncharted 4 or any top games on this list? Comment down below and let us know. And for a more comprehensive look at games reviewed this year across all consoles, visit For all the latest in gaming, remember to visit COGconnected. Happy Holidays!