Space Hulk: Deathwing Releasing in Two Days, Pre Order Still Available

Space Hulk: Deathwing Gets a Revealing New Trailer 2 Days Before PC Launch

Coming to Consoles in 2017

Developer Streum On Studio, in conjunction with Games Workshop, is bringing the Warhammer universe to life like never before with new FPS, Space Hulk: Deathwing. Warhammer 40k is perhaps the number one most iconic tabletop, miniature game and for good reason! The mixture of high fantasy and science fiction lends an epic, futuristic feeling to the universe of Space Hulk.

Space Hulk Warhammer Deathwing terminators

Though weโ€™ve all seen enough space-age shooters to feel like we know what weโ€™re dealing with here, Space Hulk looks at once classic and fresh. Youโ€™ll don the impressive, shoulder padded, Space Marine or Terminator power armor (which no matter how many miniatures youโ€™ve painted always looks so cool!) and explore the labyrinth that is Space Hulk either alone or as part of a 4 person co-op fire team.

In this game, you play a Deathwing Librarian of the Dark Angels chapter. Despite how it may sound, this is no mild-mannered hero. Being a Librarian gives you access to some crazy psychic powers on top of the fact that you have, at your disposal, some of the most sophisticated weaponry and armor systems in the known universe. Youโ€™d think that all this would mean youโ€™re pretty stacked against the enemy, but then, youโ€™ve probably never had to fight Tyranids.

warhammer 40k terminator from space hulk deathwing

Unlike in some other recent Warhammer games, the enemies you face in Space Hulk are the truly bone chilling, xenomorphic Tyranids, the gene stealers. Not only do you have to combat a Zerg-like swarm of creatures that are made entirely out of blades and acid, but your battlefield is a titular Space Hulk. This is basically an unimaginably large amalgamation of broken ships, space stations,  and other man-made or cosmic debris that the tides of space have pushed together and given form. Check out the newest launch trailer below to see what awaits you in the darkest reaches of space.

Definitely a cool looking game, with some elements of the Aliens series as well as The Lord Of The Rings, Space Hulk: Deathwing launches on PC in two days on December 14. Pre orders are still being accepted and players will be able to nab a 15% discount on steam along with an exclusive weapon for another day or two. Unfortunately, Console players will have to wait until some time in 2017 to get their hands on the game. In the meantime, why not check out the board game that inspired Deathwing, Space Hulk? If youโ€™re new to the complexities of Warhammer donโ€™t worry, the board game is easy to wrap your head around and doesnโ€™t require the endless hours of painting and memorization that are the calling card of more traditional Warhammer games!

Source: Press Release