First Final Fantasy XV DLC Details Announced

Final Fantasy XV Holiday Pack DLC out Soon

Today Square Enix announced that the first Final Fantasy XV DLC will be released December 22nd for both PS4 and Xbox One. They are calling the DLC the Final Fantasy XV Holiday Pack, which is fitting as it comes out just before Christmas!

final fantasy xv dlc

There are two different versions of this Final Fantasy XV DLC, a free one for all players who bought the game, and a plus version for those who purchased the season pass. The Holiday Pack+ will include accessories that provide useful boosts in the game, as well as a ticket to the Moogle Chocobo carnival that will be held in January in-game. The free Holiday Pack includes less items and accessories than the plus version, however, much like the plus edition it will also include a ticket to the in-game carnival.

Next week, along with the Final Fantasy DLC, there will also be a game update that includes a new game plus feature. This feature allows players who clear their game to start a new one to carry over data from the previous cleared game. The update will also allow players to add various frames to pictures shared on any social networks.

Check out the full details for each of the DLC Holiday Packs below, as well as pictures of the included costumes.

Holiday Pack+

  • Ring of protection
  • Command booster (only for Noctis)
  • Phantom booster (only for Noctis)
  • Paean of the Instant Kill
  • Paean of Battle Skill
  • Good Luck Key
  • Stamina Anchor (only for Noctis)
  • Carnival Style costume (only for Noctis) โ€“ Available with January update
  • Photo Frame (Holiday Pack Limited Edition) โ€“ Available with January update
  • Limited-time carnival ticket +

Holiday Pack Free

  • Level Limiter
  • Paean of Annihilation
  • Moogle Chocobo Carnival T-Shirt Costume (Noctis-only) โ€“ Available with January update
  • Limited-time carnival ticket