Red Dead Redemption 2 to PC Petition Surfaces… Naturally

Red Dead Redemption 2 to PC Petition Surfaces… Naturally

Ah, the PC Master Race, looking down on the console peasants with smarmy looks and even smarmier memes. Well, until now at least. With the announcement of Red Dead Redemption 2 coming to Xbox One and PS4 in 2017 the internet blew up with PC gamers well and truly pissed off that Rockstar was giving them the shaft. They were angry enough to start a petition because that it what one does when they don’t get their way. You can feel free to head on over and sign it

red dead redemption 2 feature

Now, all kidding aside it does kind of stink to see PC gamers getting the miss on this one. It’s probably only a matter of time before Red Dead Redemption 2 DOES see a PC release but who knows how long that might take? As we mentioned, though, the internet (and Twitter specifically) lit up with criticism and complaints with a few jokes peppered in between. Here’s some of the best of them!

We like this guy. He at least pokes a bit of fun at the whole thing.

And then there’s this guy who sticks it right to PC gamers in this tweet.

In all honesty, we truly hope that Red Dead Redemption 2 makes its way to PC. Great games are meant to be played by as many people as possible! Keep it locked to COGconnected for anything and everything RDR2.