Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Disc Required to Play Modern Warfare Remastered

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Disc Required to Play Modern Warfare Remastered

Hey, do you remember when you had that devious little plan where you would buy Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare then download Modern Warfare Remastered and then sell IW faster than a fat kid eats cake? Well, you better check yo’ self before you wreck yo’ self… or part with $60 at least. The download of Modern Warfare Remastered will be tied to the disc for Infinite Warfare for the time being.


An update to the official FAQ for Modern Warfare Remastered states that the game will indeed require the Infinite Warfare disc in order to be played on the console. The official legal muck goes like so, “Modern Warfare Remastered is a full game download (game disc must be inserted to play Modern Warfare Remastered). Of course, this only applies to physical copies of the game as you can delete IW off your hard drive anytime and still play MW without a problem. This also avoids that whole ‘selling the game’ thing mind you so you’re really no further ahead.

CoD Infinite Warfare Screen 02

Luckily, after getting our hands on Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare at a multiplayer preview event we can say that keeping IW isn’t necessarily a bad thing! In our hands-on preview, we had this to say about the much maligned new entry into the CoD series, “The online gameplay stays true to the franchise recipe for success; it’s fast, a rush and addicting as heck. There is no question Infinite Warfare will be the deepest multiplayer experience to date as the choices and options are endless.”

All in all, this shouldn’t come as a surprise as Activision wants to sell copies on top of copies of Infinite Warfare. What’s your take, readers? Are you willing to swallow that pill to play Modern Warfare Remastered no matter what? Let us know in the comments below.