Overwatch Getting New Short At Gamescom, Focused On Bastion

Overwatch’s Plucky Robot Getting More Backstory

Bastion may be a pain in the ass for those who Overwatch has its claws in, but make no mistake, it’s a blast to mow down an enemy team that doesn’t expect you. Bastion isn’t as murderous as you’d think though, and the latest animated short for Overwatch is looking to expand upon everyone’s favourite Omnic fighter (sorry, Zenyatta).


The short, titled “The Last Bastion” will delve further into Bastion’s backstory. For those who haven’t played Overwatch, Bastion is a leftover from a massive war. unlike the other models of Omnic designed to fight back against mankind, Bastion was considered an anomaly. It wanted to explore the world, and took to a life of solitude to learn more about itself. It’s also very likely the short will explain just where Bastion’s tiny bird-buddy came from, but we can assume the bird is one serious bad-ass, seeing as it’s always at his side, even during battle. We may even get to see the interactions Bastion has with humans, revealing what pushed him to maintain that life of solidarity.

The short will debut at Gamescom on August 18th at 9 AM PST, but you can also view the short online via one of the many ways Blizzard will be streaming during the event, be it via Twitch, their website, or possibly Youtube, depending on what they choose. The Last Bastion is going to be the 5th major short to get released, and each one has been a genuine treat to watch, featuring gorgeous visuals, and simple, yet endearing writing that helps flesh out each character in the popular shooter. The other shorts are dedicated to Winston, Widowmaker, Hanzo and Soldier 76. Blizzard has a number of characters to get through though, but we’re definitely looking forward to seeing more of Overwatch’s universe and the stories behind their unique cast of characters.