Here Are the First 18 Minutes of Persona 5

Atlus gives fans glimpse of the first 18 minutes of Persona 5

Atlus has given fans another instalment in its series of Persona 5 reveals today, premiering the first 18 minutes of the highly-anticipated upcoming title. During a livestream, the developer showed off new in-game footage, and treated us to Persona 5โ€™s animated opening cinematic movie.

Respected animation studio Production I.G. made the movie, which features the gameโ€™s main cast and features an untitled theme song. This is the same theme that was unveiled last fall at the Tokyo Game Show, and it is from Shoji Meguro, who has composed music for past titles in the Persona series.

Persona 5

In other Persona 5 news, Polygon has reported that a Persona 5 animation special is planned as well. According to POlygon (via Gematsu), Atlus has announced that the hourlong feature will air in Japan Sept. 3rd, 2016. Check out footage from the anime in an interview with the production staff, below. This footage aired during Atlusโ€™s morning livestream as well, and includes a look at concept art from the game.

Persona 5 is the next eagerly-awaited title in the legendary Persona RPG series. It takes place in Tokyo, and follows a silent protagonist who transfers to the fictional Shujin High School after getting into trouble. During the course of the game, he and other students apparently discover their latent Persona powers, and subsequently become masked vigilantes. As with previous titles in the series, the party will battle supernatural enemies using Personas, which are powerful alter-egos.

The Persona series is a combination of RPG elements with social-simulation aspects, which is what has made it so beloved amongst gaming fans. Letโ€™s just pray Persona 5 is indeed as good as Persona 4 (which wonโ€™t be easy). We have been following the gameโ€™s progress every step of the way, including details on the game, info on the release date and what the Special Edition will include. Stay tuned!