Watch Dogs 2 A Safe Bet for E3 Given The Swag A Twitter User Received

Watch Dogs 2 Looks Like All But A Done Deal

With less than a couple of weeks before the show the E3 leaks keep pouring in. Ubisoft has not formally announced Watch Dogs 2; however, it appears that itโ€™s about to happen. If I were a betting man, Iโ€™d bet the house we will see Watch Dogs 2 announced at E3.

According to a post on Twitter, Ubisoft apparently sent a โ€œgift boxโ€ containing Watch Dogs 2 Ray Bans to YouTubeโ€™s The Rad Brad. This YouTuber has more than 6 million subscribers. As you can see below, he posted a picture on Twitter of the case and what could be Watch Dogs 2โ€™s logo.

There is a good chance the game will be announced to the public during Ubisoftโ€™s E3 presser later this month. Ubiโ€™s briefing is scheduled for Monday, June 13, starting at 1 PM PST.

The first Watch Dogs sold more than 9 million copies into retail, and received an amazing review score from us. We said this about the game:

โ€œI know a game has really gotten my attention when I go to bed thinking about it after playing and then talk my wifeโ€™s (who is not a gamer whatsoever) ear off in the days that follow. A hot topic in our community lately has been the increased cost of games in Canada (most games are now $69). Regardless of price point I guarantee you will get full value for your dollar with this game. I struggled to find any significant faults. Watch Dogs gets about as close to a perfect score that Iโ€™m comfortable giving. If you are on the fence about this game, donโ€™t be. This is the game that makes spending that hard earned money on a next-generation console worth it.โ€


We speculated last week Watch Dogs 2 will launch before April 2017. That said a specific release date has not been announced.

Check back with us during E3 as we will be at the Ubisoft presser giving you all the details.