PS4 System Update 3.55 Is Now Available For Download

PS4 System Update 3.55 Is Now Live

The PS4 is celebrating its third anniversary later this year. Since the console has launched several system updates have been released which have added a number of different features. Today, Sony released a new firmware update for the PS4. This PS4 system update was released out of nowhere and requires around 300 MB of download. It is another mandatory firmware update that doesn’t have a proper changelog. PS4 system update 3.55 is now live on the servers and you can download it at anytime.


As mentioned above, the 3.55 patch update comes in at around 300 MB, so it shouldn’t take long to download.

While we do not know what the update does, it is possible the 3.55 update is just for stability, as we’ve seen many times in the past. As usual it could be setting up something bigger for the future.

If you have your system settings to where it downloads updates automatically, it should do that overnight, but otherwise you’ll have to manually do it when you next boot up your system.