Fallout 4 Was Accidentally Free, Bethesda Responds

Fallout 4 Including All DLCs For The Low, Low, Price of Free

Yesterday, some lucky gamers were able to download Fallout 4 for free when an error occurred, however, they may not be able to keep the game. For the trouble, Microsoft is depositing $10 credits sometime in June.

The bug allowed the pricing of Fallout 4 and its DLC’s Far Harbour, Automatron, and Wasteland Workshop to be a grand total of $0.00. Naturally, the Twitterverse scrambled at the information and it spread like wildfire. The total price of the bundle costs $120 so you could imagine the reactions of those who stumbled upon it.



Peter Hines is the VP of marketing for Bethesda and he was asked what happened, he responded that he’s not sure how it happened but suspected it was due to a bug.

“Not my platform. Bug/hiccup. They’ll undo it.” Hines said.

Microsoft has already made way and corrected the issue, otherwise, there’s no word on how it happened. Fallout 4 will continue to receive mod support and will be at E3 to announce future plans for the title, stay locked to COGconnected as we bring you full coverage.