Stunning and Massive Horizon: Zero Dawn Artwork Hits LA Highrise

Gorgeous Horizon: Zero Dawn Artwork Appears on LA Building

You know E3 is ready to hit the streets of LA when the giant advertising billboards start to feature tons of upcoming games. Guerrilla Games shared this Horizon: Zero Dawn artwork, an absolutely gorgeous ad that has just been unveiled on the wall of an LA building. The menacing Thunderjaw sits atop a rocky outcrop ready to lay waste to some unlucky hunters in the foreground.

Horizon: Zero Dawn Artwork

Thereโ€™s been rumor the past few weeks that Horizon: Zero Dawn would be seeing a delay, but with ads like this going up one canโ€™t help but wonder if weโ€™re in for a surprise. Just like you, weโ€™re impatiently waiting for E3 to kick off so we can find out.