Tune-in Tomorrow for New Destiny Footage in the Final April Update Livestream

Be sure to check out Bungieโ€™s Preview stream tomorrow, April 6, 2016 at 11 AM Pacific // 2 PM Eastern, via Bungieโ€™s Twitch channel.

Titled โ€œApril Update Preview: Sandbox and Crucible Updates,โ€ the stream will feature first-ever seen footage of new content coming to Destiny.

Destiny Taken King 890x520

The prior weeksโ€™ announcements focused more on what quest-based PvE content (new quest lines, a revitalization of the Prison of Elders) and new gear coming to the game.

April update will be available April 12, 2016 for everyone who has purchased Destiny: The Taken King on PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

The community can interact directly with the developers at www.Bungie.net, www.facebook.com/Bungie and @Bungie on Twitter.