PC Adventure ‘Order of the Thorne: The King’s Challenge’ Ships Today

Calling all knights of the realm! Independent developer Infamous Quests – the studio behind the adventure game Quest for Infamy – hereby announces that their fantasy point-and-click adventure game Order of the Thorne: The King’s Challenge is now available for purchase. Proceed to your nearest Steam, GOG, or Humble Bundle store post-haste, young squire!

As a young bard by the name of Finn, players must venture forth into the Faerie Kingdom with nothing more than their wits and magic lute (what? Lutes are pretty cool…) to aid them as they go in search for the missing Queen. As this is an annual challenge hosted by the King of Faerie Kingdom, Finn is not alone in his quest; the King has also summoned the bravest heroes of all the kingdoms in Uir to take up the challenge of finding his beloved Queen. Will Finn out-smart the King and the other challengers in his quest to rescue the Queen? Download this epic adventure to find out.

order of the thorne: the king's challange
Order of the Thorne: The King’s Challenge is a classic fairy tale style game, with beautiful hand-drawn backgrounds and retro 2D pixel art. The game also features a fully orchestrated soundtrack and over thirty voiced characters, with a simple point-and-click interface that creates an immersive magical world with a captivating story. Order of the Thorne: The King’s Challenge is the first in an anthology series of games revolving around the Order of the Thorne and the world of Uir.

Interested? By the Knights of St. Stevens, of course thou art! Order of the Thorne: The King’s Challenge is available for purchase on Steam, GoG, and  Humble, for $9.99. Note: that is today’s money, not gold coins, or goblin-eyeballs or whatever.

SOURCE: Infamous Quests Press Release