Ronda Rousey a Huge World of Warcraft, Pokemon Fan

Ronda Rousey, champion UFC fighter, has revealed herself to be a huge fan of videogames, and of Pokemon and World of Warcraft in particular.

Speaking on a live Reddit forum, Rousey said that she is such a Pokemon fan, she even once moderated a Pokemon forum.

She plays World of Warcraft often, and she has “a Mage named Randa on TaichiPanda.”

Here are some other videogame-related questions and answers:


Would she rather fight 100 Mewtwo sized mews or 1 Mew sized Mewtwo?

“1 Mew sized Mewtwo, ‘cuz everyone knows that even though Mewtwo has better stats than Mew, 100 Mews totally overcome that.”

When asked who was her favorite Mortal Kombat character:

“I would always play as Princess Katana ‘cuz in the Sega version you could press down and punch up vs the computer and get to the fifth guy from the top with all flawless victories because the computer wouldn’t learn to throw you from the floor until it was almost the end.”

What race is her WoW character?

“I have a night elf hunter on WoW. (Yeah I know everyone starts with that but I also have a blood elf rogue that I’m working on).”

What DragonBall Z character would she like to train with?

“Vegeta. For sure. Goku is such a fucking goodygoody that he’d be fun to be friends with but I’d get annoyed hanging out with him after 2 weeks, let alone after a whole year. I’d imagine that Vegeta and I would have many an interesting debate. Probably not about politics but maybe like societal shit.”