GTA V Mods Reportedly Riddled With Malware

According to some intrepid gumshoe activity by users at GTAForums, several of the game mods available for GTA V on PC contain hidden malware. User aboutseven noticed a newly installed program entitled Fade that was keeping system logs and accessing the internet after installing the mod “Angry Planes”. Other users have since analyzed the program and found it to be legitimate malware – likely a keylogger. Other users have noted similar activity after downloading other mods. Most of the thread has been dedicated to users trying to figure out if they are infected – the files and processes are very well masked, and are not currently being detected by most antivirus software.

This discovery is a reminder of the dangers of installing software from unknown sources, as keyloggers are capable of recording and transmitting all the keystrokes made on a system – including sensitive personal identity information. SO, be careful what your installing into your games, and from what sources.
