Titanfall 2 – 4 Tips to Get You Through the Pilot Gauntlet

Titanfall 2 – 4 Tips to Get You Through the Pilot Gauntlet

If you’re like me and have constant issues with your ISP or perhaps have issues with the current solar storm, your Titanfall 2 download could take a while. Fear not, though, as once you reach half of the download you can hop in and watch the opening trailer (which might actually be half of the download honestly) and run through the tutorial over and over until you finally get access to the last half of the download. I didn’t think much of it at first, but I noticed a leaderboard for the pilot gauntlet that serves as the final stage in the tutorial. I had nothing better to do for several hours while I waited so I ran the gauntlet several dozen times, enough to get 43 seconds and change, enough to beat Anderson’s score. I now humbly come before you with some quick tips on how to get that gauntlet time down for all you achievement hunters looking to break the top 3.

Titanfall 2 Banner


1 – Never Touch the Ground

For reasons that seem to defy physics, wall running is the best way to gain lateral speed in Titanfall 2. Based on the display from your HUD in the gauntlet, you can only achieve about half of your maximum speed while sprinting on the ground, so you’ll never make the top three by hoofing it. You must master the ability to maintain momentum while wall running and only sliding when necessary. If you’re having trouble hitting the targets and wall running, try focusing on just getting the best possible time while disregarding the targets. Once you know the path then you can come back and practice your aim.

Titanfall 2 Top Screen


2 – Grenades Work Well

You aren’t limited to guns in the gauntlet so take advantage of your arsenal, including grenades. You have access to both frag and arc grenades, each with a unique trait. Frags will bounce before detonation while arcs will detonate on impact. Personally, I like using the arc grenades because I can aim them better but both will take out the two groups of three targets with a single explosion. This is crucial for conserving ammo before needing to reload and is way easier than aiming at three separate targets.

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3 – Choose Guns That Work for the Trial

You can take two guns with you in the gauntlet so you should definitely use two. Ideally, you might want a medium range and a short range gun. As you run through the course several times, learn the ideal spots to switch as well as when to reload. The half-second it takes to switch to a rifle can feel like a lifetime when milliseconds matter and a poorly timed reload can be a death sentence (or at least a reason to restart). Needless to say, the sniper rifle and the LMG aren’t great picks for when you need some middle ground between rate of fire and accuracy. Personally, I like the dual pistol loadout as they have a short reload time and quick draw time.

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4 – Find the Controls That Work For You

If you’re playing on a console or using a controller on PC, chances are you’ll notice that to move up on the gauntlet leaderboard it is imperative to bump up the look sensitivity in order to maneuver the tight corridors quick enough to maintain the momentum from wall running. If you’re like me and hate having the melee action mapped to the analog stick, there is an option for you to switch to the much more comfortable circle/B button. What’s more, I have found zero reasons not to have the auto-run option on. The extra button press just slows you down.

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Good luck getting to the top of the calls, pilots! Titanfall 2 is go!