inFamous: Second Son and Child of Light Rumored for PS Plus in September

PS Plus Shows No Chill in September

You might want to get that PS Plus subscription soon if youโ€™re itching to play some AAA PlayStation royalty in September. HotUKdeals has got the scoop as they were able to save a screenshot of a PlayStation Facebook advertisement before it was taken down. The two PS4 games shown in the leaked image? Sucker Punchโ€™s inFamous: Second Son and Ubisoftโ€™s Child of Light.

In August, US PS Plus members were treated to Just Cause 3 as one of the free PS4 games available, and it looks like the monthly subscription service will pay off for anyone looking to play Sucker Punchโ€™s only released PS4 game yet. Itโ€™s a series Iโ€™ve missed when it hit PS3 so Iโ€™m stoked for a chance to jump around Seattle and throw some lightning.

While inFamous: Second Son will likely make the loudest splash given its pedigree and budget, Child of Light deserves some hype too for its evocative presentation and original story too. I enjoyed my time with the whimsical game, but only wished they didnโ€™t go with the lyrical narration that nearly broke me.

Weโ€™ll know soon enough if these leaked images prove true as Sonyโ€™s bound to give us a peek at Septemberโ€™s PS Plus games with August coming to a close.

Source: HotUKDeals via NeoGAF