Jim Sterling Under Fire Over Breath of the Wild Review

Jim Sterling Gave New Zelda Game a (gasp!) 7/10

Everybody loves The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Critics and fans have rocketed the game to the top of the charts. So when Jim Sterling published a somewhat unfavorable review, people were rather upset. Sterling gave the game 7/10. This isn’t a terrible score by any means, but it’s enough to throw off the game’s overall rankings. Breath of the Wild went from 98 to 97 on Metacritic. Zealous defenders of Nintendo and their work responded by hitting Sterling’s site with a DDoS attack.

Breath of the Wild Hero Image

Sterling by turns praised the game’s high points and lamented the “small but constant irritations” which colored his experience. Some of his detractors requested that he “drink bleach,” others were convinced a conspiracy was afoot. One particular comment referred to the “persuasion capital” at play here, suggesting that Sterling was conspiring to hurt game sales with his negative evaluation. The other possibility being that he… didn’t like the game?

While the (well-deserved) hype for Breath of the Wild is running pretty high at present, these things can change with the passage of time. Once the new release shine is off Nintendo’s red-hot hit, perhaps more criticism will come to light. One can’t be too careful these days. Even scores that are too high can attract backlash from players.