On the Naughty Dog Sony Relationship – Co-founder Speaks

Development under Sony Has Allowed Naughty Dog to Accomplish so Much

Ever since our witnessing the on-screen bandicoot, many would agree that Naughty Dog has been a fan-favorite developer. Andy Gavin and Jason Rubin founded the company in 1984 and have accomplished much since then, gamers can attest.

Naughty Dog Sony Relationship

But it was not until 2001, when the founders sold Naughty Dog to Sony, that we saw greater feats. This was after the great success of Crash Bandicoot, a decision that would allow greater strides in gaming. Now co-founder Rubin just recently stated, “it was the right decision for Naughty Dog. Look where Naughty Dog is today. As an independent, I don’t think Naughty Dog could have done that. I don’t think you’d have these games.”

In the same interview with IGN, however, Rubin made a point in telling how hard the decision was to sell the company. Such an intriguing proposition on their cusp of greatness would definitely have led to some hairs being pulled out. But the Naughty Dog Sony relationship was so “intertwined,” he says, that “it made sense.” And a great many games we’ve been given ever since. After Crash we’ve witnessed the likes of Jack and Daxter, Uncharted, and critically acclaimed The Last of Us.  In hindsight, the union has made the industry greater, and this latest interview seems to be Rubin’s way of lauding that past decision.

Naughty Dog Sony relationship

Looking forward, Naughty Dog and fans have much to look forward to, what with a standalone Uncharted as well as The Last of us 2 being announced. And for anyone interested, previous installments such as The Last of Us and Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection were just two out of our 5 Great PS4 Games That Cost Less Than $25. Ideal deals this holiday season.

For more news on games, industry, and geek, keep updated with COGconnected. Happy holidays.