Pervy Mary Skelter Video Shows You How To “Purify” The Girls

New Mary Skelter Video Shows Purification System

Every once in awhile, we like to give you something different and this is definitely ‘out there’. Compile Heart has released a new trailer for Divine Prison Tower: Mary Skelter introducing the game’s “Purification” feature.

As detailed on the games official website, as the girls continue to battle, their spirits will build up impurity and before long enter “Blood Skelter Mode,” a dangerous state in which they’ll attack regardless of whether it’s an enemy or ally.

Mary Skelter

Through “Purification,” you’ll use the PS Vita touch screen to directly touch the bodies of the Chishiki Girls and remove the impurities upon them. If your purification is successful, their impurities will be removed and made harder to build up, and their stats will temporarily increase. Just like magic!

The RPG Devine Prison Tower: Mary Skelter, coming to PlayStation Vita on October 13.