Star Wars: The Force Awakens Expected to Rake in Over $2 Billion

Star Wars: The Force Awakens is shaping up to be one of the biggest movie juggernauts of our generation. With hype going through the stratosphere for the upcoming installment of the Star Wars franchise, some analysts are saying the film could end up earning over $2 Billion – that’s with a “B” – at the box office before all is said and done.

In fact, the buzz around the movie is so massive that it is even driving up the stock of Disney – the studio that owns the rights to the franchise. Disney closed on Wednesday last week almost $24 per share higher than the previous day; this, despite having just announced that its sports division, ESPN, was losing viewership. Investors seemed not to care too much – they are just as hyped up about Star Wars as everyone else, and even the bad ESPN news was not enough to dissuade them.

Will Star Wars: The Force Awakens live up to all the positive expectation? There seems to be no doubt that its financials will be as massive as hoped. Without a new Star Wars movie in over 10 years, fans are just too excited about a new movie to stay away. It does not seem that anything, even the possibility of bad early reviews, will put a dent in that.