This past weekend marked the kick off of Unreal Tournament’s Pre-Alpha Season, and to ring it in with style, Epic Games hosted a live exhibition tournament at the studio and released a trailer showing many of the game’s new maps, new content, and new features. The Pre-Alpha Season runs through the end of October and anyone can download and play the game today, for free, at
The brand new trailer can be found hows how drastically the game has evolved in the months since it was shown at GDC in March.
Check out some of the highlights from our CTF exhibition HERE. A full archive of the Unreal Tournament matches from the weekend event can be found HERE; watch as Team Izanagi takes home the top prize in a thrilling double-elimination overtime match against Team Liandri.
Some notes on the Pre-Alpha Season:
- There are 3 new maps in the build: CTF Facing Worlds, CTF Titan Pass, and CTF Pistola Battlegrounds (from community member Jayoplus, who also competed on Team Liandri)
- Players now have three ways to earn new items: online progression, offline challenges, and training accomplishments.
- The special version of items earned in the Pre-Alpha Season will not be available to unlock after this season ends. Some of these items will be permanently unlocked, giving players a symbol of their participation in the Pre-Alpha experience.
- The Infiltrator Mask is a special, limited edition item granted to anyone who completes an online match in an official Epic hub in the next week.
- There are 3 updated weapons: Link Gun, Rocket Launcher, and Sniper Rifle
- There are 2 new characters: Visse (Necris Female), and Garog (Skaarj Trooper), and many other new items and unlockable alternate character skins. Explore the full list of possibilities here and here.