What if? The Walking Dead as an RPG – 5 Characters That Take On Classic RPG Roles

Daryl – Ranger

This one’s a no-brainer. Rangers are master woodsmen, trackers, survivalists and proficient in ranged weaponry. Throughout the show it’s been Daryl scouting out new areas to explore, going out on supply runs and even hunting down some delicious squirrel to eat. We also saw Daryl flex his tracking muscle when he was searching for Sophia in season two.

Let’s talk weapons. Daryl has his signature crossbow which has proven to be an effective tool to neutralize threats while keeping the noise level down. While crossbows can be sort of a one shot deal, because of it’s slow reloading time, Daryl manages to be effective wielding a knife to make up for it in chaotic situations.

Norman Reedus as Daryl Dixon - The Walking Dead _ Season 5, Episode 2 - Photo Credit: Gene Page/AMC

Abraham – Berserker

Okay, at first I thought Abraham’s appearance was a little comical. He reminded me of an 80’s G.I. Joe action figure brought to life. A real life Gung Ho or Bazooka. I found it hard to take him seriously until the episode where he had an epic staring contest with Rick in a Church. I thought Abraham was hard as nails after that. His short temper (fiery ginger and all that) and complete lack of respect for his safety gives him similar traits to the Berserker class.

Berserker’s get their power by turning their unresolved childhood issues into a potent combat steroid. Using rage to deal large amounts of damage but leaving themselves vulnerable in the process. Abraham clearly has some sort of PTSD happening where he gets bouts of dementia. This season, in his stand alone episode with Sasha, he had a rather intense moment of episodic rage with a suspended walker. We also saw him jump out of a moving car into a crowd of zombies and laughed it off after beating his way through. Abraham endures the never ending horrors of the apocalypse by getting off on the thrill of death.

Are there any other Walking Dead characters you can think to assign a class? Living or dead, let us know!