The COG Arcade – Episode 8

The gang is all back for a regular recording of our regular Podcast.

Take a listen as Jen, John, Shawn and Kirby get together to talk about the world of videogames, and other stuff.  We have a new Soapbox Stand by Kirby, and a challenge….something to do with Chicken Wings!!!!

So, without further ado, here you go:

Click HERE to listen to is on Podbean as you sit on your computer or download it for later listening.

Head over to iTunes if you haven’t yet, seach for “The COG Arcade” and subscribe.

You can also find us right HERE on YouTube where all our episodes are available for your listening pleasure.

We are also on the Xbox Music Marketplace in the US (not officially in Canada yet *sad face* but there are workarounds).   Here are your instructions for finding it:

Zune (PC/PMPs): Search for the podcast in the Zune software client and click the subscribe button. From here, you can sync new episodes to your Zune or Windows Phone 7.x device or listen to new episodes on your PC.

Windows Phone: Search for the podcast in the Windows Phone Store (formerly known as the Windows Phone Marketplace) and tap subscribe. This will allow you to wirelessly receive new episodes as they are released. Download an app like “PODCASTS!” too and search for the podcast (Outtie has done this in Canada and confirms you can download it to Win Phone 8).

Windows 8/RT: Download an app like “PODCASTS!” or “SlapDash Podcasts” and search for the podcast. These apps interface directly with the Zune podcast catalog.