The Destiny Loot Cave is No More

Yesterday we all heard the news that Bungie nerfed the holy grail of engram drops in Destiny. Hotfix 5 rolled out and brought with it this message:

“The Hive of the holy ‘Treasure Cave’ have realized the futility of their endless assault on Skywatch and have retired to lick their wounds and plan their next attack.”

In a game that is notoriously stingy on great drops requiring a ton of grinding is this an unfair thing to do or do you think that the loot cave was nothing more than an exploit? It seems that other locations that could have been used for farming have been tinkered with too. This hotfix increased the spawn timers for pretty much every monster cave in the game, as this list shows:

  • Respawn timers for monster caves in Skywatch have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 6)
  • Respawn timers for monster caves in Forgotten Shore have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 10)
  • Respawn timers for monster caves in Ember Caves have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 10)
  • Respawn timers for monster caves in the Shattered Coast have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 10)
  • Respawn timers for monster caves in the Barrens have been normalized to 40 seconds (increased from 20)

You can see the complete patch notes for this hotfix on Bungie’s official site.

Obviously though… we want to know what you think!

That’s right everybody… the precious loot cave is no more! Are you happy it’s gone? Did you thi… in COG Connected on LockerDome