Make Reading Dynamic With INK CONSOLE
Singular 9 Ltd., the independent manufacturer and creative developer is launching a CrowdSupply campaign for INK CONSOLE on 1st March. This is their new open-source system for text-based games, and we are excited to see how it performs.
INK CONSOLE combines an e-reader and a game console, creating a new way to experience stories. As you read, you play, turning every book into an interactive adventure. It draws its inspiration from classic computer games and choose-your-own-adventure stories.
The device turns reading into an interactive experience, where your choices shape the story. At key moments, you’ll decide what happens next, making each journey unique. Plus, the easy-to-use development kit lets anyone create and share their own adventures, bringing new stories to life for others to explore.
With its sleek design, e-ink screen, and easy-to-use interface, it offers a fresh way to experience stories. The OS includes an inventory system for managing collected items, ready for when you need them. In adventure and role-playing stories, a health status system adds a strategic element to the journey.
“The idea for Ink Console came from a desire to bring the magic of text adventures, like the 1980s classic Zork I, to a new audience unfamiliar with these games”, claims Dana, founder of INK CONSOLE. “I also was very inspired by the beloved Choose Your Own Adventure series of books”.
For more information, check out the official press release in our source below.