A Death in the Red Light Has Arrived on Steam

Welcome to A Death in the Red Light

Developer Mystery City Games and publisher indie.io are thrilled to announce that A Death in the Red Light is now available on Steam. In this thrilling puzzle game, you step into the shoes of a tough Amsterdam detective pulled out of suspension to crack a case no one else could solve. It’s his final chance at redemption, and your chance to explore Europe’s iconic city in a whole new way.

“Of all the historical escape games we’ve created across Europe, this story has always captivated me,” said Ben Sillevis, lead designer and creative director of Mystery City Games. “The blend of mystery, intrigue, and true-crime detective work made it a perfect fit for a video game adaptation. With this game, we’re bringing our love of history and the excitement of exploring Amsterdam’s iconic district to players everywhere. We can’t wait for them to dive into the adventure!”

Back in 1988, Amsterdam wasn’t the popular vacation spot it is today. Instead, it was a city struggling with crime, drugs, and unrest. Players will dive into this gritty world, taking on a mysterious case involving a body found in Zeedijk. People also call this place Heroin Alley, a dangerous area where cops never go in alone. As they investigate, each piece of evidence presents its own puzzle to crack, with every solution offering a clue that brings them closer to uncovering the truth. It will eventually guide them deeper into the city’s dark underworld.

A Death in the Red Light is currently available on Steam for $8.99 at a 10% launch discount. Hurry up, grab your copy, and start solving this reality-inspired mystery.