Green Hawk Platoon Is Getting Published by MicroProse

Toys Are Coming to Life in Green Hawk Platoon

The legendary video game company MicroProse has announced that it will be publishing RetroPixel Digital’s upcoming title, Green Hawk Platoon. It’s a thrilling shooter game for both solo and multiplayer, that brings your childhood toy soldiers to life in an action-packed adventure. It will be coming to PC via Steam and the release date will be announced soon.

Green Hawk Platoon

In Green Hawk Platoon, you’ll join forces as toy soldiers fighting for control of places like the kitchen, bedroom, beach, and backyard. The game mixes fast-paced shooting with different soldier roles, including Riflemen, Medics, Heavy machine gunners, Engineers, Rocket Men, and Commandos. You can even hop into tanks, jeeps, helicopters, and planes alone or with friends to shift the battle in your favor.

Players will also need to watch out for sneaky environmental hazards like house cats, birds, crabs, squirrels, and rats which will add extra excitement to the game. To help tackle these challenges, you’ll have cool tools at your disposal, such as controllable turrets, parachutes, grappling hooks, and rockets, making the adventure even more thrilling and epic.

To celebrate the announcement, RetroPixel Digital and MicroProse also released a brand-new cinematic announcement trailer. Take a look at it right below.