Xenonauts 2 Has Released Its Milestone 4 Update

Let the War Begin in Xenonauts 2

Goldhawk Interactive and Hooded Horse have launched the Milestone 4 update for their excellent turn-based strategy game Xenonauts 2. It introduces new threats, new weapons, and plenty of behind-the-scenes improvements as the game approaches its first anniversary since its release in early access.

Xenonauts 2

In this update, the aliens introduce their first large UFO type, the Harvester, to Earth, accompanied by new maps designed to accommodate its size. This massive craft begins to appear towards the end of the campaign, coinciding with the arrival of a new enemy: the Androns. Additionally, heavy variants of Mentarchs, Servitors, Cyberdrones, and Reapers will start appearing later in the game.

Players can face these new threats using weapons like the Energy Knife, gear such as the Reinforced Shield and Sentinel Module, and the powerful Colossus Battlesuit. The update also brings numerous quality-of-life improvements, including:

– New alien base map layouts
– All new cleaner mission types
– New art and models
– A rebalanced economy
– A major overhaul of in-game audio that really brings the action to life.

Xenonauts 2 is available in early access for PC via Steam, GOG, and the Epic Games Store. The base price of the game is $39.99 / £34.99 / €39.99 / ¥4,980. Moreover, take a look at the full patch note of the Milestone 4 update right here.