Next Doom Game to Be Unveiled at Xbox Games Showcase

Doom: The Dark Ages Set for June 9 Reveal, Insider Report Claims

The highly anticipated next installment in the Doom series, reportedly titled Doom: The Dark Ages, is slated to be revealed at the Xbox Games Showcase on June 9. According to Insider Gaming, this new title from ID Software, previously known under the codename Year Zero, will be officially announced during the event.

While details about Doom: The Dark Ages are sparse, the report suggests that the game will be set in a “medieval-inspired Doom world.” This setting hints at a potential prequel to the 2016 reboot of Doom and its 2020 sequel, Doom Eternal. Whether the new game will feature a multiplayer mode remains unclear.

Earlier this year, Microsoft announced its intention to release some of its first-party games on PlayStation and the Nintendo Switch. Although specific titles were not mentioned, the still unannounced The Dark Ages could be among those considered for multi-platform release. Eternal was available on PlayStation and Switch, but that was prior to Microsoft’s $7.5 billion acquisition of Bethesda, the parent company of Doom developer ID Software. Consequently, there’s a significant chance that The Dark Ages could arrive on PlayStation 5, pending official confirmation from Microsoft.

In addition to the reveal, Microsoft will host a special showcase for Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 following its main Xbox Showcase. Rumors also suggest that Gears 6 will be featured at the event.

The Doom series has experienced a successful resurgence with the reboots, including 2016 and Eternal, both of which received critical acclaim and revitalized the franchise. Known for their intense single-player campaigns, the 2016 game included traditional multiplayer, while Eternal introduced Battlemode, an asymmetric multiplayer experience. Doom Eternal also expanded with The Ancient Gods DLC. Additionally, a mobile spin-off, Mighty Doom, was released in March 2023.

Fans eagerly await the Xbox Games Showcase to learn more about The Dark Ages and other exciting announcements.