Bang-On Balls: Chronicles Reveals Co-Op Trailer

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles Drops New Co-Op Trailer With Exciting Gameplay

Exit Plan Games and Untold Tales have unveiled an exhilarating co-op features trailer for their hit game, Bang-On Balls: Chronicles. This release comes hot on the heels of their successful launch, which has left players eagerly awaiting more action-packed adventures.

Gamers can team up with friends for intense online co-op sessions, accommodating up to four players across all platforms. If you’re on PC, PlayStation, or Xbox, you can also opt for the two-player split-screen mode for some shared excitement. Meanwhile, Nintendo Switch users can relish in Local Wireless Multiplayer, allowing for engaging 2-player offline co-op experiences.

The Co-Op Trailer showcases the heart and soul of this game. Bang-On Balls: Chronicles is a richly packed, whimsical, and destructible open-world sandbox adventure. Within its expansive universe, players can indulge in combat, master platforming, customize characters, and embark on thrilling collect-a-thon scavenger hunts. It’s a world teeming with endless possibilities.

Bang-On Balls: Chronicles

After a successful Early Access on Steam, Bang-On Balls: Chronicles was unleashed in its entirety on October 5th. This full release has garnered amazing reviews from players and independent press alike, further cementing its status as a must-play title for gamers of all backgrounds. Whether you’re a lone adventurer or prefer to explore with friends, Bang-On Balls: Chronicles promises an unforgettable gaming experience across multiple platforms.