Are We Getting Dead Space 4?
Antony Johnston one of the lead writers behind Dead Space has recently been very active on social media. He has not been shy about letting people know that a project he has been working on will be announced at tomorrow’s massive PlayStation conference. Johnston has been quite vague and cryptic for obvious reasons but that should not take away from the hype. Dead Space was one of the best horror games made in recent memories and fans are understandably excited to see what Johnston has prepared for us. Even if it isn’t another Dead Space title.
The last Dead Space game released seven years ago in 2013. While the third game did not have the same reception as the first and second, the overall experience of the trilogy was outstanding. A lot of the series success can be directly attributed to writers like Johnston. He took to Twitter today to drop this hint at fans. “In totally unrelated news, you should all watch the PS5 launch event on Thursday.”
The Dead Space franchise has been totally absent this generation to it would be great to see it make a comeback in the new decade. With access to the new technology that is available on the PS5 and Xbox Series X, there is no telling what a talented developer could do with the Dead Space IP. The horror genre as a whole has shifted out of the view of the mainstream in the past few years. For the most part horror games are created by small indie teams rather than triple-a studios. This is by no means a bad thing but it would be nice to see the genre step back into the limelight.
Make sure to tune in at 1 pm PT to see the PlayStation conference live.