No Nintendo Directs For A While, Report Suggests

Insider Indicates Nintendo Is Managing Expectations At Present

A report from Venture Beat at the beginning of the week suggests that any new Nintendo Directs may be a ways off. According to the source, fans should shift their expectations from June to September at the earliest. It turns out all this pandemic business is doing a number on Nintendo’s production schedules.

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Developers are being instructed “not to wait for a Direct even if they have a big announcement.” This coincides with the way Paper Mario: The Origami King was announced, with no warning and/or fanfare. It seems we’ll be getting more announcements this way, as opposed to the chunks of news fans have gotten so used to.

This isn’t to say that big announcements aren’t happening at all. No, there are several smaller events being planned for June. It’s just that those events are very nebulous for the bigger companies. Microsoft and Sony have stated that big things are coming sometime in early June, but the exact dates are Jell-o being nailed to a wall. The Summer Games Fest and the New Game Plus Expo are both having events next month, along with the PC gaming show. Although it’s being spread like butter, we’ll be getting a lot of gaming news in June – just not necessarily from Nintendo.