The Same Amount of as the Witcher 3
From what we know so far, Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be filled to brim with content when it launches. The developers have not been shy to let us know what we are getting into. With allegedly hundreds of hours of gameplay, Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be able to get a hold of your attention for a very long time. However, CD Projekt Red has just announced that there is going to be a lot of DLC for Cyberpunk after the game releases. To put things into perspective, Cyberpunk is supposedly going to have the same amount of DLC that the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Which was a lot.
The Witcher 3 offered two major expansions that both introduced new and compelling story elements as well as new weapons, gear, enemies to fights, and an increased level cap. With both of them combined, it easily extended the game another 20 hours. To this day the Blood and Wine and Hearts of Stone DLC are regarded as some the best of all time. You can check out the reviews for yourself.
Cyberpunk 2077 is only a few months awayโฆ..hopefully. Thanks to the global pandemic we are all living under right now many things in all aspects of life have been pushed back or delayed indefinitely. However, according to CD Projekt Red, Cyberpunk 2077 is still chugging along smoothly and is expected to release later this year. Things could obviously change in the coming months, but for now, everything is going according to plan.
If you really want to make sure you are able to get your hands on Cyberpunk 2077 when it drops you can still pre-order on Amazon and other online retailers.
Cyberpunk 2077 launches on PC, PS4, and Xbox One on September 17th.